
Top 5 Paulo Coelho Books

Paulo Coelho is a great author. Ever wondered which of his books to read first? Which ones give you a great sense of Paulo Coelho's style? Which ones have the best storyline? The best message? The best reads?

Well, here are my suggestions as to the best books by Paulo Coelho and therefore definitely the ones to read first! Enjoy!

#1 Veronika Decides to Die

No, not The Alchemist (although that too is brilliant), but Veronika Decides to Die. Despite having read both books over and over again, Veronika Decides to Die is still my favourite and number 1 recommend. While the Alchemist is a story of following one's dreams, Veronika Decides to Die deals with the question of life and madness. What is madness? The value of life? Do we take it for granted? In his unique and amazing style, Paulo Coelho explores these issues in a way that keeps you 100% entertained and wanting more. You won't put it down until you finish!!

#2 The Alchemist

The book that made him internationally famous, it has been critically acclaimed and translated into numerous languages. A favourite and a classic, just about everyone who has read any Paulo Coelho has read this. A great novel of adventure, following one's dreams and of determination and faith, it is the ultimate pick-me-up book, and therefore makes number two on the list. If you're ever feeling down, read The Alchemist!

#3 Eleven Minutes

This book is a tale of a Brazilian girl who goes to Switzerland with an 'agent' who misleads her into working as a dancer in his bar. Being determined to come back to Brazil having 'made it', she chooses not to return until she has made enough money and done enough to go back without having 'lost face'. Her journey is full of choices- which will she make? A great tale of perspective, right and wrong, love and ultimately choice. As always, Coelho leaves the judgment up to you yet raises important issues in such an entertaining way.

#4 Brida

#5 The Fifth Mountain

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